Matt Licata

About Matt Licata:

I am a psychotherapist and author based in Boulder, Colorado, and provide in-person depth psychotherapy as well as consulting internationally via phone, FaceTime, and Skype. Additionally, I offer several retreats and weekend programs each year, which you can learn more about at the Events page.

I am author of The Path is Everywhere: Uncovering the Jewels Hidden Within You (Wandering Yogi Press, 2017), an exploration of my discoveries in depth and relational psychologies, contemplative spirituality, and the poetic imagination. My forthcoming book, A Healing Space: Befriending Yourself in Difficult Times, will be published by Sounds True in early 2020.

My work incorporates developmental, psychoanalytic, and existential psychologies, as well as contemplative, meditative, and mindfulness-based approaches to transformation and healing. Over the last 30 years, I have trained extensively in both psychological and spiritual methodologies and practices, in North America, India, and Nepal. Tending to our human experience with emotional maturity, relational awareness, and sensitivity to the body are important dimensions of my work.

In addition to practicing as a psychotherapist and spiritual counselor, I was Director of Sounds True‘s Division of Professional Studies, where I organized online and in-person training for mental health professionals looking to incorporate the latest research and clinical skills training in the areas of trauma, mindfulness, attachment, regulation theory, neuroscience, and related fields. My therapeutic interests are in depth psychology, relational psychoanalysis, and the clinical application of of mindfulness and meditative awareness.

For nearly 25 years, I was involved in the creation of spiritually-based, psychologically- and emotionally-informed learning programs, working closely with some of the leading psychologists, psychotherapists, researchers, and healers of our time. I have bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in psychology, where my research focused on contemporary psychodynamic/ relational theory and contemplative approaches to psychospiritual development and healing. I have long been interested in the creative and unfolding dialogue between Western, developmental models and contemplative methods of inquiry and practice. My spiritual background is in a variety of wisdom traditions and practices, primarily Vajrayana Buddhism, Sufism, Daoism, and contemplative Christianity, though I am not currently involved with any particular tradition and remain interfaith in my practice and view.

My doctoral dissertation explored the ways spiritual beliefs and practices can serve a defensive function in the avoidance of unresolved emotional and developmental wounding. It examined the various expressions and essences of this phenomenon in the lives of those committed to inner work, its adaptive and maladaptive expressions, its role and importance for individuals at certain stages of the journey, how practitioners and clinicians might cultivate a greater awareness of its manifestations and functions, and the nature of an integral response in both clinical and non-clinical settings.

Matt Licata

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