Simi Ahuja, MD


Dr. Simi is a board-certified family practice physician. She is also a mind-body medicine practitioner and a medical intuitive.

In March 2008, feeling disgruntled, hopeless and helpless about both her professional and personal life, she began to search for a higher power that, intellectually, she knew was within her. But she did not know how to tap into that power. She began to read books and take spiritual classes in hopes of finding a trail that would lead her within, and she was able to find a teacher who taught her the art of looking within. The more she looked within and forgave, the stronger her spiritual powers became. This is when she stumbled upon the inner wisdom that relentlessly guides our path. With the assistance of this newly discovered wisdom, she was able to assist a gentleman in his 70s, to heal a surgical wound that had been resistant to healing and was requiring a fourth surgery. He was able to heal the wound completely without the need for a subsequent surgery simply by using the power of the mind infused with unconditional love. What was even more remarkable was that over time, Dr. Simi began to heal her own cognitive brain dysfunction that resulted from chronic childhood sexual trauma. She is a living testament to the power of the mind to heal the physical body.

This is the first time she realized the power of the mind to heal the physical body, and it forever shifted her perception of what it means to truly heal. This has helped her to see that the very power to heal lies within each one of us. Dr. Simi believes that the innate intelligence of the human body to heal itself by itself, given the right tools, is far greater than what we could ever conceive. This power is ready to be tapped into, given a little bit of willingness on our part.

Driven by her newfound understanding and her passion to help others to heal at a deep level and in a profound way, the way she has, she began to hold community classes in order to inspire and educate those who wanted to take charge of their health in an empowered way. She has helped to empower hundreds. She is eager to help more people tap into their innate healing ability.


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