The Deep Rest Retreat: Slowing Down and Befriending Yourself in Difficult Times (MLI1019)

With Matt Licata and Jeff Foster

September 4 - 9, 2019

Location: Matt Licata

Contact: Matt Licata
(303) 618-9238

  • Single Room in Apartment – $895.00
  • Double Room in Apartment – $675.00
  • Single – $735.00
  • Double – $595.00
  • Triple – $530.00
  • Dorm – $485.00
  • Camping. – $385.00
  • Commuter. – $300.00

What if … everything you think is wrong with you, is actually right?

Spiritual Enlightenment is already here, shining through the simplicity of this moment, exactly as it is?

The divine perfection you’ve always been seeking is actually contained in the midst of your tender vulnerability and glorious human imperfections?

There is precious alchemical medicine hidden inside your pain, and your deepest longings, aches, doubts, grief and heartbreak are portals to joy and healing?

Has your life become an endless “self-improvement project”? After years of working on yourself, meditation, therapy, spiritual seeking and trying to “quiet your mind” or “lose your ego,” do you still feel far from where you wanted to be? Do you long to slow down, rest, come out of repetitive and exhausting thinking, and be deeply embraced, exactly as you are?

Come join JEFF FOSTER, a non-dual spiritual teacher who is also a survivor of suicidal depression and chronic self-loathing, and MATT LICATA, a psychotherapist who has spent nearly 25 years on the cutting-edge of meditation, emotional integration, and trauma healing, in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Colorado for an immersive five-day dive into the depths of self-love and radical self-acceptance. With their trademark gentleness and humour, Matt and Jeff bring a powerful core teaching of Presence which lovingly dismantles shame at its very root and wakes us up to the miracle of being alive

About the Leaders

Matt Licata

About Matt Licata: I am a psychotherapist and author based in Boulder, Colorado, and provide in-person depth psychotherapy as well as consulting internationally via phone, FaceTime, and Skype. Additionally, I offer several retreats and weekend programs each year, which you can learn more about at the Events page. I am author of The Path is […]

Learn more about Matt Licata

Jeff Foster

About Jeff Foster Author/teacher Jeff Foster studied Astrophysics at Cambridge University. In his mid-twenties, after a long period of depression and illness, he became addicted to the idea of ‘spiritual enlightenment’ and embarked on an intensive spiritual quest for the ultimate truth of existence. The spiritual search came crashing down with the clear recognition of the […]

Learn more about Jeff Foster

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